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Scott Swindells

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Where's the Innovation?

Because school districts fear what students might do (with technology in various forms), school districts limit what students can do.

Schools know this, teachers and administrators freely admit this, but there's "nothing we can do about it," we casually shrug, because the fear of students' innappropriate use seems to trump the fear that we are doing a great disservice to their education.

So they continue to sit in desks and listen to lectures while other people move the world.

In a month where Time magazine ran a cover story giving real credence to the theory that technological singularity is coming, we announce an innovation celebration where ideas will be presented on poster board, with absolutely no computers or tech.

I am shocked that we in education continue lag so far behind.

1 comment:

Bakersclass said...

If you check the census numbers from 2003, "Computer and Internet Use in the United States reveals 75.5% of children ages 3 through 17 have a computer at home, and 66.1% of that demographic have in-home Internet access." These are old numbers and we were still at 75%. We are probably close to 100% now! I think we are doing a serious dis-service to our students by not fully embracing and implementing higher levels of technology in our teaching. Additionally, we need to be modeling these technologies from all levels.